nomerci said eagleemmanuel, so it would be perfectly fine for her to have male friends? And go out with them, and pick them up to take them to work?"

That should be the case but as Alumnar said, "if it was the wife doing it it would be totally wrong and taken as betrayal."

nomerci said Alumnar, maybe so. But of course, eagle, as posted in other threads, comes from a more "conservative" society, where things are viewed different from ours.
Therefore our advise may not be applicable."
- Your key words being "may not be applicable". Yes, although that would be the general statement. Specifically, not everyone agrees with every single thing.

"In our society married men do not "need" female friends, although can and do have them, to be able to treat their wives decent, as men in our society have proper female contact and therefore "understanding" of women all their lives."
- Correct. And this is the reason why generally, they are better able to understand women better.

"Apparently, due to gender segregation in other societies, men do not know how to treat their wives,"
- Accurate, up to here.

"unless they have, when married, female friends.
Or so it seems."
- This is where you have consciously or unconsciously put a negative twist to this. My point was that gender segregation is not a progressive way forward. Co-ed is the way to go, but as I have said before in other threads - total freedom is anarchy.

"Freedom within limits" is a paradox but a necessary one.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.