The School Driver .. is definitely responsible and if weren't his negiligence, one little angel's life could've been saved.

but the whole SYSTEM; the School Management, The Transport Companies and THE PARENTS too are responsible in some way.

-Why there was No Attendant onboard?
-Why there's no attendance system for on/off boarding children?
-Why the poor parents didn't confirm here arrival at school (since she was already off for past few days due to sickness)

- Why Parents do not keep a close-knit circle of kids friends and families to keep updates abt their children daily life, well being and depar/arrival at school.

can't imagine what'd 4-1/2 year kid could do in such situation. .. and it is so sad and so tragic.

what's important is what we've learned from it.
the education ministry, the schools, the transport companies and most importantly .. THE PARENTS >?>