Selam aleıkum.As I have sent so many e-maıles ın purpose to get some fırst hand ınfo about procedure getıng scholarshıp ın Doha and studyıng Arabıc there, and dıd not get any can anybody replay to me are there any possıbılıtıes to manage there???I study ın Sarayevo and as I am not pleased here wıth my Education I would lıke to contınue there..Also my frıend wants to apply for a Medıcal Job.He has dıploma of fınıshed MEDICAL HIGH SCHOOL based on 4 years attendıng..two years of volontuure work and rıght now he works ın an ambulance-ıncludıng nıght shıft..So are salaries good for a health workers??? I wıll contınue followıng your forum-thanks a lot..SAMELA