I should imagine they need all the help they can get when it comes to PR right now... The world, happily, isn't falling for nonsense like this.
Not when this is a country that won't even let 'black' (ethiopian and other countries) Sephardic Jews go to the same schools as their precious 'white' askeNAZI Jews.
Oh yes, great PR, let's have one little indian woman in here, and put it on all the net-forums/news outlets, but we're too racist to let our own White Jewish people go to school with other Jews, cos, erm, they're a bit too brown for our liking.
Well done - congrats - what a fabulous "democracy" Israel is...
"Another PR coup for Israel"???
I should imagine they need all the help they can get when it comes to PR right now... The world, happily, isn't falling for nonsense like this.
Not when this is a country that won't even let 'black' (ethiopian and other countries) Sephardic Jews go to the same schools as their precious 'white' askeNAZI Jews.
Oh yes, great PR, let's have one little indian woman in here, and put it on all the net-forums/news outlets, but we're too racist to let our own White Jewish people go to school with other Jews, cos, erm, they're a bit too brown for our liking.
Well done - congrats - what a fabulous "democracy" Israel is...