1. Jusy say Aslamalikum or good moring it is ur choice.
2. Adjust your seat
3. Adjust mirror one in the middle for rear view and right and left.
4. Wear Seat belt.
5. when u start Driving put indicator b4 you move.
6. Drive calmly and have a look as offen right,left and rear mirror.(for safety dirve)
7. Drive normal speed and whenever truning put indicator and dont be stress in any circumstance.
8. Drive confidently and forget whatever your friends said while you driving jut keep confidence.
9. Follow road sign.
10. whenevr you gonna to stop put indicator and have a look is there any parking space and make sure that place should not placed any sign as no parking or no stop.
11.B4 you leave a car pull hand break and say thanks.
Dont be nervous "All the best in advance"
and let us know what happned tomorrow....apart from this our prayers and Blessings to you . Takecare