I should have accepted that post offered to me in the Bureau of Immigration before! If not for my delicadeza and idealism I would have more than one mansion by this time!!!!
Kidding aside!
I should have accepted that post and swallowed my pride in aiming not to be identified with a political figure. Perhaps, I could have done something to help our Kabayans. But what to do, yani??? This is the life I chose. Better make good use of it by starting an advocacy campaign to do away with even bigger crocodiles earning wayyyyyy tooooooo muuuuucccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the expense of other people's dreams to provide a better life for their loved ones!!!
So your cousins didn't make it???
I should have accepted that post offered to me in the Bureau of Immigration before! If not for my delicadeza and idealism I would have more than one mansion by this time!!!!
Kidding aside!
I should have accepted that post and swallowed my pride in aiming not to be identified with a political figure. Perhaps, I could have done something to help our Kabayans. But what to do, yani??? This is the life I chose. Better make good use of it by starting an advocacy campaign to do away with even bigger crocodiles earning wayyyyyy tooooooo muuuuucccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the expense of other people's dreams to provide a better life for their loved ones!!!
What to do now mga Kabayans???