depends on what you're asking. Do you mean will it suffice for your expenses, or do you mean will you be able to save?
30K excluding housing is comfortable living, coz if my memmory serves me right, pilots are given free schooling for upto a certain number of kids and upto a certain amount annually.
Housing varies from 8K upwards for 2 bedroom and higher villas and from 5K upwards for a 2 bedroom and higher apartment.
depends on what you're asking. Do you mean will it suffice for your expenses, or do you mean will you be able to save?
30K excluding housing is comfortable living, coz if my memmory serves me right, pilots are given free schooling for upto a certain number of kids and upto a certain amount annually.
Housing varies from 8K upwards for 2 bedroom and higher villas and from 5K upwards for a 2 bedroom and higher apartment.