Yes! it does hurt very badly. Xtremely painful, 2 keep reviewing & thinking about what may hve been. Its a new day,thank the good lord 4 new beginnings. What I hve learned the hardcore way out of that relationship is you can never fit a circle into a square......move ahead,take the time 4 urself & dwell on improving urself mentally,physically & spiritually. Get healthy in all those areas,focus on these things & act on them. Make sure that u hve high standards 4 the next person & strong boundaries. Don't LOOK 4 love. It will find u, all in good time. Get healed first, its gonna take time baby. Enjoy treating urself & discovering urself. Dont waste ur time, he most likely is not dwelling on u, men are not wired that way, they moved on & are strong. Look up, hold ur head up, be confident with urself! SMILE! U are unique & beautiful & worth so, so very much. Give urself credit 4 who u are & the transformation u are anticipating. Chalk it up to, this is his huge loss & not yours!!! Now u go girl, shine on, respect urself!!! be blessed...;D