Just had a young boy drive one of those small trucks on our 4 lane road by my house spin out all over the road and nearly flip over, sad part is an Idiot such as this will end up killing others not himself. I called police as their are slews of idiots out even in LC's doing the same thing and yet the police did not care they told me take license number and go to traffic dept. They even have boys sticking out of the sunroof to tape their stupidity. The Police are not interested to help at all, does no one in this country care about human life?
Just had a young boy drive one of those small trucks on our 4 lane road by my house spin out all over the road and nearly flip over, sad part is an Idiot such as this will end up killing others not himself. I called police as their are slews of idiots out even in LC's doing the same thing and yet the police did not care they told me take license number and go to traffic dept. They even have boys sticking out of the sunroof to tape their stupidity. The Police are not interested to help at all, does no one in this country care about human life?