Seriously?!!! You work in Sports Illustrated AS A JOURNALIST and you are this BADLY INFORMED?
I like Americans. They're good people. But it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant they can be.
An advice from a woman to a woman... why don't you try to do your job and actually BE a real journalist? Investigate before you brain dump.
You are coming to an arab country, not a barbaric place.
Just like women don't flaunt their bits around here, gay men aren't "in your face" either. We don't lynch people who want to express themselves or be themselves. But it's a culture of modesty and respect. So if you want to be gay, or dress a certain way... be our guest. Just don't be blatantly over the top about it and we will gladly turn a blind eye (i.e. it's not a competition to see how much of your womanly bits you can show or how homosexual you can be). Women and gays live amongst us as contributing pillars to society everyday, but everyone knows the norms.
As an Arab woman, living in the US, I respected the american culture when I was there and didn't try to force my beliefs on your people. So why do you expect to come here and expect the worse of us?!
Come as our guest with an open mind and you'll see we are just like you. People trying to live a dream and make the best of our lives without harming others.
P.S. Sepp Blatter doesn't want to take over the world... it's your country's politicians who do!
Seriously?!!! You work in Sports Illustrated AS A JOURNALIST and you are this BADLY INFORMED?
I like Americans. They're good people. But it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant they can be.
An advice from a woman to a woman... why don't you try to do your job and actually BE a real journalist? Investigate before you brain dump.
You are coming to an arab country, not a barbaric place.
Just like women don't flaunt their bits around here, gay men aren't "in your face" either. We don't lynch people who want to express themselves or be themselves. But it's a culture of modesty and respect. So if you want to be gay, or dress a certain way... be our guest. Just don't be blatantly over the top about it and we will gladly turn a blind eye (i.e. it's not a competition to see how much of your womanly bits you can show or how homosexual you can be). Women and gays live amongst us as contributing pillars to society everyday, but everyone knows the norms.
As an Arab woman, living in the US, I respected the american culture when I was there and didn't try to force my beliefs on your people. So why do you expect to come here and expect the worse of us?!
Come as our guest with an open mind and you'll see we are just like you. People trying to live a dream and make the best of our lives without harming others.
P.S. Sepp Blatter doesn't want to take over the world... it's your country's politicians who do!