What would you do if you lost an engine on take off?
1) Control the aircraft, keeping it on the runway centreline. declaring MAYDAY x 3
2) Rotate and establish a positive climb.
3)Around 400` recall or ECAM actions can be initiated to secure the engine or extinguish any fire. Basically thrust lever to idle, master switch off and then fire swithes and extinguishers if required.
4)Once completed and above Minimum Flap Retraction Altitude (~1000`) accelerate and clean up the aircraft.
5)Once all this is done and safely flying, complete any remaining checklists and prepare for a return forr landing.
What would you do if you lost an engine on take off?
1) Control the aircraft, keeping it on the runway centreline. declaring MAYDAY x 3
2) Rotate and establish a positive climb.
3)Around 400` recall or ECAM actions can be initiated to secure the engine or extinguish any fire. Basically thrust lever to idle, master switch off and then fire swithes and extinguishers if required.
4)Once completed and above Minimum Flap Retraction Altitude (~1000`) accelerate and clean up the aircraft.
5)Once all this is done and safely flying, complete any remaining checklists and prepare for a return forr landing.