its so funny, yes i know the message of love, ok now when The Almighty says that this is evil and so and so is bad, that doesnt mean, oh but u know wat its ok just love the whats the resultant the person will continue being what ever he wants to and does whatever he or she wants..... who are 'we' as low humans to change what the Almighty God wants and sees right or not........its like ur the judge and u say... yes u did this bad thing which allmighty God frowns upon hmmmm but i love u anyways so jus go ahead!!! so do u love a sinning human being more than u love the Lord ?? Ultimate hypocracy.....!!!! thats why the town of sodom was destroyed.......!!!

u cant respect someone who doesnt respect the rule of the Almighty All wise GOD......Alighty God didnt send the book and rules to be changed and "evolved" at will whenever u want and desire...... im a human being and yes i do sin and make mistakes and im far from an angel....becuz i m a human being....but theres something called as conscience, we get out and into it......we dont constantly live outside it.....and for that these people need to be guided.....

its a smimple matter of upbringing and what basically is the basis of the society i.e. the family, if we practice what The Almighty wants us to and follow his commandments, and respect the rules ur fine else u will have such doubts and go about saying oooh hes a homophobic/old fashioned/fundamentalist/outdated.....etc: heh...a scene comes into mind goes a bit something like this...... a mother somewhere in a country out there will be like "oh you know what my son works in qatar....oh ooh yeah and did i mention he is also G**?!!" I doubt thats something to be proud about!!!

the morales of the society frowns upon it and so does religion and so does some governments (thank GOD for that!) i know this person wont contribute or deduct the number of such lost souls in this country....i know there are alot of them here, and sadly some of them are even it really doesnt matter if we had another indiviual!!!

@lost------ ur really off mark.... im not the one advocating homopsexuality....ask the ones who are advocating it!!

as it says in the bible in mathew 18.9 if u try to cypher this text it means.... if something or someone is causing evil then u might as well be away from it....