Avoid Doha clinic. The dermatologist prescribed me a months dose of antibiotics for a known pre-diagnosed fungal problem!!! (when my regular derma was on leave) I binned the prescription right there in his office, told him to go back to medical school and walked out.
FYI in case you don't know, anti-biotics don't work on fungal infections, they make them worse. Long term use can actually CAUSE fungal infections.
The girls at front reception act like they are perpetually on the rag. Mind you, their attitude is just fine when dealing with fellow arabs though.
Avoid Doha clinic. The dermatologist prescribed me a months dose of antibiotics for a known pre-diagnosed fungal problem!!! (when my regular derma was on leave) I binned the prescription right there in his office, told him to go back to medical school and walked out.
FYI in case you don't know, anti-biotics don't work on fungal infections, they make them worse. Long term use can actually CAUSE fungal infections.
The girls at front reception act like they are perpetually on the rag. Mind you, their attitude is just fine when dealing with fellow arabs though.