Absolutely agree with FathimaH who said, "I refuse to judge her... But do realize something. Her's was a classic case of someone been forced to follow a religion/way of life without any knowledge and conviction as to why he/she is doing so..and that's never a good thing!"

Although my own situation does not go as far as total parental control, there was very strict control and discipline during my early years. Because I see both sides, I believe that total freedom can be anarchy or chaotic, basically very detrimental in the long run.

I've said this before a few years ago but will reiterate that restrictions are usually protective and not ill-treatment. I said "usually", they are open to abuse, depending on the "enforcers" intention - selfish, proud and egocentric or genuinely protective or simply misguided.

Even in restrictive situations, one can be "free" within one's limitations. It's all in the mind/perception and the ability to adapt and make a bad situation work.

Also depends on what one is willing to accept and live with. At least her dad is level headed enough not to be blinded by rage / emotions. The bigger picture he mentioned of the opposition she would face is very real and I hope that she can weather this storm, either alone with her faith in God or with a core support from certain family members or friends.

If she chooses to continue to stand her ground then she is generally going about it the right way - there is strength in numbers, garnering more support so that she does not have to stand alone in making a statement, like the strong one she is making. The bigger picture here is that she is creating awareness or highlighting a problem and making people sit up and take notice and do something within their own circles of influence.

Trailblazers always get a lot of flack, because they change the status quo. Change is always very painful but necessary for progress.

"Despite her outward conviction, she was devastated by her family's response" - She may need to give them time to get over the shock, embarrassment and loss of face but if it's too difficult for her to go through with this, then she might want back down to ease the tensions. She has already made her statement. Family first.