These Karwa taxi drivers piss me of the most. If I ever take a Karwa and they quote their price to the trip, I agree and hop in. After the ride is done, I pay them the amount I want to and walk out, not looking back.
I once had a Karwa driver, walk out and confront me, I took out my cell and told him I will call the management and report his taxi nbr... he scooted off ;-)
These Karwa taxi drivers piss me of the most. If I ever take a Karwa and they quote their price to the trip, I agree and hop in. After the ride is done, I pay them the amount I want to and walk out, not looking back.
I once had a Karwa driver, walk out and confront me, I took out my cell and told him I will call the management and report his taxi nbr... he scooted off ;-)