Rizzo--You wrote, "No other explanation can be given to our observations of the past and present world." That's obviously wrong--lots of explanations, maybe just not ones you agree with or understand. Feel free to clarify.
My main question, however, iis clear. You wrote "the origin of life evolution has been proven again and again". I am asking which version do you support, as there are so many? (Linnaeus, Buffon, Darwin's, Lamarckism, kin selection, etc., etc., etc.?) If you know so much about it as you claim, it shouldn't be hard for you to answer. Do answer when you think you are up for it :-)
Rizzo--You wrote, "No other explanation can be given to our observations of the past and present world." That's obviously wrong--lots of explanations, maybe just not ones you agree with or understand. Feel free to clarify.
My main question, however, iis clear. You wrote "the origin of life evolution has been proven again and again". I am asking which version do you support, as there are so many? (Linnaeus, Buffon, Darwin's, Lamarckism, kin selection, etc., etc., etc.?) If you know so much about it as you claim, it shouldn't be hard for you to answer. Do answer when you think you are up for it :-)