But editorial scapegoats expats, Genesis. There are much better ways of getting the point across without accusing them of looting the country. It's akin to a German in the 1930s saying 'Why does the government let all the Jews loot and ruin our great nation?' and then claiming that the accusation is directed at the government and not the Jews. It's irresponsible of her. Such comments contribute to growing new racism in Qatar which perceives foreign workforce as locusts, mere insects. It's insulting, particularly to people who are here longterm (I am not) and in the longterm it is not a sustainable paradigm. Even I care enough about this place to give this advice for free (normally your government and companies pay an absolute fortune for some the advice being offered on this thread). I agree there is a problem, but there are better ways to fix it than this.
Yes, Rizzo capitalistic tendencies towards non-kin are natural under normal circumstances. If you know of a viable alternative, keep me posted.
But editorial scapegoats expats, Genesis. There are much better ways of getting the point across without accusing them of looting the country. It's akin to a German in the 1930s saying 'Why does the government let all the Jews loot and ruin our great nation?' and then claiming that the accusation is directed at the government and not the Jews. It's irresponsible of her. Such comments contribute to growing new racism in Qatar which perceives foreign workforce as locusts, mere insects. It's insulting, particularly to people who are here longterm (I am not) and in the longterm it is not a sustainable paradigm. Even I care enough about this place to give this advice for free (normally your government and companies pay an absolute fortune for some the advice being offered on this thread). I agree there is a problem, but there are better ways to fix it than this.
Yes, Rizzo capitalistic tendencies towards non-kin are natural under normal circumstances. If you know of a viable alternative, keep me posted.