On Monday the bid team released a 1,700-word statement through the Qatar Football Association, attacking the newspaper for making "false claims" public and saying they welcomed an investigation.
They also said that a "whistleblower" due to be interviewed by FIFA was a disgruntled former employee "with an axe to grind."
"All the allegations are hearsay and supposition. In addition, the allegations are wholly unsupported by any documentary material whatsoever"
"However, such an investigation must surely only be carried out by a properly constituted body with due authority and independence where our side of the story can be heard.
"It is wholly inappropriate for any examination of the bid committee's affairs to be based on unsubstantiated hearsay and inaccurate journalism."
The newspaper's submission to the Culture, Media and Sport (CMS) select committee inquiry admitted that there was no proof of the allegations into corruption.
"To have this achievement tarnished by completely unsubstantiated and false allegations and for those allegations to be propounded by the Parliament of the United Kingdom is something we find distressing, insulting and incomprehensible."
On Monday the bid team released a 1,700-word statement through the Qatar Football Association, attacking the newspaper for making "false claims" public and saying they welcomed an investigation.
They also said that a "whistleblower" due to be interviewed by FIFA was a disgruntled former employee "with an axe to grind."
"All the allegations are hearsay and supposition. In addition, the allegations are wholly unsupported by any documentary material whatsoever"
"However, such an investigation must surely only be carried out by a properly constituted body with due authority and independence where our side of the story can be heard.
"It is wholly inappropriate for any examination of the bid committee's affairs to be based on unsubstantiated hearsay and inaccurate journalism."
The newspaper's submission to the Culture, Media and Sport (CMS) select committee inquiry admitted that there was no proof of the allegations into corruption.
"To have this achievement tarnished by completely unsubstantiated and false allegations and for those allegations to be propounded by the Parliament of the United Kingdom is something we find distressing, insulting and incomprehensible."