I mean the school is one hundred percent correct. I have many friends who have kids as old as 4 who wear diapers when they go out.. Can you believe that? I child should be potty trained during the day by the time he is 3 and that is a maximum.. Night time training takes a while< i mean it is pretty common for kids to wet their bed even when they are as old as 5 but then it is the parents problem not the teachers but as far as potty training them while they are awake is totally the parents' responsibility.. I guess some mothers are just too lazy. I remember once a friend's two and half year old daughter came up to her and said mommy I want to pee and the mom said.. Honey you are wearing your daipers, pee in them, I am in the middle of this very interesting scene on my favorite tv show..Don't disturb me..
It is because of these lazy mothers that children do not get potty trained at the right age..