But the most important thing is common sense.. Whenever I watch some rape scene in movies or television, the first thing that comes to the  mind is that is that girls stupid or what? How can a woman venture out alone at night that too in a dark secluded street? I think if women take care of themselves properly, the chances of them getting attacked will be very less.. IF women think it is ok for them to go out by themselves and drink all night at the pub and then come home safely middle of the night, then they are really stupid..Have you ever heard that a woman coming home from school or work in broad daylight was raped? Ok it might happen but chances are slim.. There is one rule of the thumb to avoid rapes.. The more the people on the streets, the less the chances are but the less the public on the streets, the more the chances are of being harrassed.. So avoid going out late or dark secluded places.. Always keep on main steets and heavily crowded areas..