First, “ it entices me that such a prestigious and well poised grammar Nazi, with a name like “ cabbage" took upon the honor of looking at my ever so humble profile” …( it was either teacher, astronaut, butcher, or cab driver. I thought, putting”BEING AWESOME” as a profession might be taken as a cocky). And thank you so much I pride myself on being different it’s called “ INDIVIDUALISM”
Note, the apostasies, quotations and caps, along with my enthusiastic choice of words, are just for you and your grammar Nazi remarks.. Be happy
First, “ it entices me that such a prestigious and well poised grammar Nazi, with a name like “ cabbage" took upon the honor of looking at my ever so humble profile” …( it was either teacher, astronaut, butcher, or cab driver. I thought, putting”BEING AWESOME” as a profession might be taken as a cocky). And thank you so much I pride myself on being different it’s called “ INDIVIDUALISM”
Note, the apostasies, quotations and caps, along with my enthusiastic choice of words, are just for you and your grammar Nazi remarks.. Be happy