One more thing, really the application fees aren't that bad. Usually in the neighborhood of 500QR per child. I saw you had three, I think since it is an 'application fee' they probably won't give a discount on it, but just to make you aware, if they all get accepted to the American School, then within 7 days of them notifying you, you have to pay 5000QR for the first child and 1500 for each additional child. This they do not invoice for, so you will have to pay that within 7 days or lose the spots, then submit the recipt to your company. (8000QR = $2191.78).

There is a website here called that is for mom networking and we talk about things like schools and daycare, places to live etc. I think you can check out part of it without being a member just go to once you get here and go to an event, coffee, playdate, mom's night out, then you will have access to the member's only forum where there is an infinite amount of wisdom about everything you can think of.

Hope all this helps!