Alarab newspaper featured 3 articles today revolves around the Doha Tribeca film festival after a lengthy debate took place on twitter last night over a controversial short film called “Fahad” aired as part of “made in Qatar” worshop about a local homosexual telling his story & asks for his rights ! Locals started a hashtag #DTFF11fail on twitter to protest the making of the short film & the need for a film festival in Qatar
Alarab newspaper featured 3 articles today revolves around the Doha Tribeca film festival after a lengthy debate took place on twitter last night over a controversial short film called “Fahad” aired as part of “made in Qatar” worshop about a local homosexual telling his story & asks for his rights ! Locals started a hashtag #DTFF11fail on twitter to protest the making of the short film & the need for a film festival in Qatar