Segmund... What you post is not that hard to evaluate. The man kicks his wife over just a heated "argument" now bare in mind that she is pregnant. With a medical report she's got evidence so the courts decision was justified. Now if there is some underlying story like he tried to stop her getting an abortion so he kick her how come the court sentenced him if that's the real case? I think the story is misleading if you add the other instances... How come after 3 months the wife still did not abort her baby if she really didn't want it? 3 months is too long for a woman not to know that she's still pregnant. So the man shouldn't even got out if the baby is fine because it can be argued that the man could have lied about she wanted their baby to be aborted & take note kicking her wife could cause miscarriage so it's flawed scenario that the husband wanted to stop abortion if his action could also cause miscarriage.