Thanks for your interest ,I see most people who are in Qatar suggesting me staying back in India ..I have a few points to discuss with you as you are probably from same background and age group.
The offer is from the Mannai contracting division .

They are not negotiating salary any further ,shall I take it ,it is more than in India by 70 K .
I think if the company is good and if you perform then salary /bonus will come naturally .

My son is in 3rd standard now and my daughter is only 2 1/2 ,I am thinking of a 5 year stint until my son reaches 8th standard after which I can return ,he will have 2 years to prepare for 10th and can get into a good college .I can start a business here when I get back .

What is you advise since you know more now.

Would be grateful for a reply .

Thanks .