Azamat: I am trini..but I do not live there.....and no your presumption is wrong.....not because someone is asking questions in a particular way means they are this or that...I am not familiar with terminology in Qatar, like I wasn't familiar with UK terms - boot = car trunk, flat=apartment, mobile=cellular etc....
i enquired about housing provided by the companies....they also indicated that an option was available for reduced rent on executive accommodation...
why would I want to spend more on transport and living arrangements when I can save more by taking up the company offer of free over paid for..particularly on the onset...
it would be better to get acquainted with the place and then branch out on own wouldn't it?
I know you mean well....thanks for shedding some more light..
Azamat: I am trini..but I do not live there.....and no your presumption is wrong.....not because someone is asking questions in a particular way means they are this or that...I am not familiar with terminology in Qatar, like I wasn't familiar with UK terms - boot = car trunk, flat=apartment, mobile=cellular etc....
i enquired about housing provided by the companies....they also indicated that an option was available for reduced rent on executive accommodation...
why would I want to spend more on transport and living arrangements when I can save more by taking up the company offer of free over paid for..particularly on the onset...
it would be better to get acquainted with the place and then branch out on own wouldn't it?
I know you mean well....thanks for shedding some more light..