thanks for your help guys..

actually yr 2005-09 ive been to best friend helped me a lot there..2.5 years of visit visa..going here and there to kish island..during that time its very easy to get visit visa in Dubai..

After may 2007..Dubai government tightened the rules of applying visit visa.. So I decided to stick to one company and issued me a working visa..I'm receiving 5,000 dirhams for 2 years..We dont have accommodation and realized if I will accept this qatar will be the same..

well as for me..yes my earnings was ok..but not much in my family back home..I,m not givin them regularly since i have a tight budget..not to mentioned this stupid credit card..(or stupid me :0 )

re GULFCRAFT..they showed me a brochure what this company is all about..they doing actually a graphic design..and signage..etc..

so do you think if i accept the will be worth it?
Ive never been to qatar nor a friend from for chance to save since Dubai have a HIGH cost of living..

and let say i accept the they have wife's visa the same in Dubai?because I want to bring my husband as well..

THANK YOU GUYS.. God bless