If you need to disconnect water and electricity, you have to go the concerened kahramaa office with original deposite reciept, and ID Photocopy. From the counter get an application for disconnection, fill it up, except elec and water readings. Then u take a token from the counter, they will give u the mob. number of technician. Call the technician,he will visit ur building and disconnect ele and water. He will note last reading in the application form which you got from kahramaa office.
The u go again Kahramaa, they will give cheque for the doposite amount after deducting outstanding dues.
If you need to disconnect water and electricity, you have to go the concerened kahramaa office with original deposite reciept, and ID Photocopy. From the counter get an application for disconnection, fill it up, except elec and water readings. Then u take a token from the counter, they will give u the mob. number of technician. Call the technician,he will visit ur building and disconnect ele and water. He will note last reading in the application form which you got from kahramaa office.
The u go again Kahramaa, they will give cheque for the doposite amount after deducting outstanding dues.