Bull, am looking forward to a house warming party in your new abode!
You'll have to let my husband shoot a few hoops with you though

It'll be fun Nomercie, you have to watch though. I have to tell you that I never let anybody win. Correction: I never let any man or boy win. Even when my kids were 3 I played to win, and I'd win like 85-0. I can't count the number of times my boys have left the court crying while growing up. Eventually one kid started beating me last year, but he's 6-5 and plays everyday. I'm undefeated against the rest of the family. I played a neighborhood kid (22 years old) a few weeks ago and beat him 21-20 on a last second 3 pointer and he just walked away cursing..I heard him say "F-ing cheater!" under his breath..I just laughed and said "hey- nobody beats the bull kid.."

If you wanna make someone better at sports? You humiliate them on the field. All my kids dominated in sports at school..Not only were they the best at school, it wasn't even debatable- Everyone knew it- When one of my kids played football the entire crowd would chant his name and after the game parents would line up to shake his hand. They'd say stuff like "it was an honor to watch you play" lol..He'd just mumble something back..I'd always say "can you be a little nicer son"? and he'd just say, "they bother me"..

And yes- I have a half court in my house- We play while watching basketball and the Denver Nuggets play the Lakers tonight, so...I'm eating a light breakfest this morning. Grapefruit and 100% Kona coffee, hand imported from Hawaii