I was there too today.
I arrived at around 11 o clock, when they now say the fire started. I entered the Villaggio mall at the Carrefour entrance. And I directly heard an alarm. I didnt pay any attention to it, cause it sounded more like a broken cash-machine.
So, I was in the Carrefour at least 30-40 minutes, and when I was going out, then I noticed some people acting weird and the shops were closing. Then I udnerstood it was a fire alarm.

Now let me tell you, if the alarm sounded already when I arrived, and when I went out 40 minutes later, there were:
- still LOTS of people inside
- not all stores werent closed
- and most of all, they were hardly any firetrucks at all there.

And adding all the stories from all the witnesses and people that were there, you can easily say one thing: The rescue really wasnt ready for such a thing!!!
And the whole planning of the Gympanzee without no fire exits??

It makes me just so so so mad. 19 people died, while they shouldnt have. Not if things would be properly done.

R.I.P. to all those small angels, and all those that suffered today. My prayers are with you.