A lot of ppl on here will claim "the guard should not have accepted the job offer for such low pay, and the fact that he did leaves him responsible".

But I want to make sure people understand how these people are hired. In their home town, an employment agent promises them wages of around 2,000QR per month. These guards have to pay the agent a sum to secure the job (around 10-20k QR).

The person thinks, that's only 5-10 months salary once I start working, I should be able to pay it off, if I work for 5 years. And I'll still come back home with a lot of money. He takes a loan in his home country (thru loan sharks) and decides to secure his job.

He comes to Qatar, find out his salary is actually 500QR. Can't go back because the loan sharks will kill him and his family. And because he doesn't have his passport.

He's stuck here, with nothing much he can do.

And this happens to a majority of the low-class workers in the middle east. Not only security guards. We're talking laborers, cleaners, gardeners, etc.

It happens a lot more than we think. I do my best to tip these poor fellows whenever I have the opportunity to do so. I hope other people do the same.