Interesting. Yes, to what extent are these experiences true across the board for the other Newton Schools? Seems to be quite a few complaints about these schools, however. I wonder how much of this is just the usual problems any new school faces vs. genuine problems with how the schools operate. They are, after all, part of the for-profit model, which means they operate like a business, and so it is careful game of taking as much as possible for profit without ruining the school.
Interesting. Yes, to what extent are these experiences true across the board for the other Newton Schools? Seems to be quite a few complaints about these schools, however. I wonder how much of this is just the usual problems any new school faces vs. genuine problems with how the schools operate. They are, after all, part of the for-profit model, which means they operate like a business, and so it is careful game of taking as much as possible for profit without ruining the school.