If the price is unusually low then suspect something fishy,the scamsters usually do not provide any local phone no.to contact them,instead they give an email id and will ask you to pay them via western union,even if they give a local phone no.the person answering will have no clue to the ad or the post in the QL,this is my experience,and I also prefer Ebay for online purchaes,but bulky itms better buy locally
If the price is unusually low then suspect something fishy,the scamsters usually do not provide any local phone no.to contact them,instead they give an email id and will ask you to pay them via western union,even if they give a local phone no.the person answering will have no clue to the ad or the post in the QL,this is my experience,and I also prefer Ebay for online purchaes,but bulky itms better buy locally