Most of your comments appears to me as one sided and origins from an one sided perception not compatible with the profession that you hold with you.
I don't understand the logic that, with your posts, every time you attach your facebook link showing that you are a doctor sounds that you are not a confident one!! Are you finding this discussion as a tool of marketing your services???
let me tell you that you are totally biased irrespective of whatever be the professional you claim to be that you are..
And no other doctors will argue for such a trivial thing as you are, here, do not guarantee that every pakistani doctor is like you..hope you got it.
In conclusion, foolish people are in all catagories in very country.
Most of your comments appears to me as one sided and origins from an one sided perception not compatible with the profession that you hold with you.
I don't understand the logic that, with your posts, every time you attach your facebook link showing that you are a doctor sounds that you are not a confident one!! Are you finding this discussion as a tool of marketing your services???
let me tell you that you are totally biased irrespective of whatever be the professional you claim to be that you are..
And no other doctors will argue for such a trivial thing as you are, here, do not guarantee that every pakistani doctor is like you..hope you got it.
In conclusion, foolish people are in all catagories in very country.