Hi! Nice to meet you, hope your move goes well. It can be difficult finding things to occupy your time here, especially when you're new. I'm not sure where you're going to be living? I live in an apartment block with my husband and it has no communal areas so have found it hard to meet and get to know my neighbours. I think compound life is a bit more sociable? Anyway - a couple of ideas... The Intercontinental Hotel (the one near Katara, not Intercont. the City) has a special offer on Tuesdays and Wednesdays - ladies pay only 50 QR to access their pool / pool area. I take yoga classes with Yama Yoga http://yamayogastudios.com - they are lovely and might be another way to meet people? Also, not sure what nationality / language your wife speaks but there are a number of associations for different nationalities here. Buy a copy of Marhaba magazine when you arrive - they have an up to date list of them with contact details - so she could socialise with people who speak her language.