I live this at my complex. There is not enough parking for everyone here if they do not come early enough, so outside the complex is new paved parking for late arrivals to home. To many times, a person in my complex is to lazy to park his truck or car outside the gate, so he blocks my husband's car and the one next to us. Then attaches a note in his car saying sorry, call me and I will be right down to move it.

Well, guess what, we have to wait atleast 10 mins for him to answer his cell,then more time to get dressed to run down to move his car/truck out of the way so we can go out!!! SICK OF IT. My husband's comment, "what to do" that's an Arab for ya!" (my husband is Arab btw) but he said he would never block someone, and has many times dropped me to home first and then go park outside the complex and walk back to home as a courtesy to others.....
If it was me, I wanted to go off on the guy when he finally came down, but being a "lady" and my husband telling me not to be "american" dont say anything!!! LOL