The ignorance of some QLers never ceases to amaze me:
1. Hitler wasn't a Christian. He was a self-proclaimed atheist who persecuted many Christians (and Jews and some Muslims, gypsies, etc.)--locking up priests and such in concentration camps.
2. The West generally does not care what the Muslim world outside its borders thinks, and it will never alter its freedom of speech laws to cater to it.
3. Jewish holocaust denying in illegal in some countries like Germany, but perfectly legal in the United States, where it is condemned by the main stream in the same language as the mainstream had condemned the recent film. But both other legal.
4. No one knows who produced the movie or why. The guy who funded it was fictitious, and the actors claimed to have been tricked. It's clear from the clip on youtube that much of it has been dubbed over by other actors.
5. There is far more offensive stuff against Islam out there. Just trying to find the film clip on youtube generated a huge list of stuff. The point is that this clip has been circulating since July, but it was only this week that it became a big deal.
6. This West vs Muslim world thing is getting tiresome. There are millions of Muslims living the so-called West who are not rioting. There are also millions of Christians, Jews, atheists, Buddhists, etc. living is the so-called Muslim world. Both are fictions created to provoke division; the reality is that we live in a pluralistic world.
7. No one made anyone else watch this.
IMO the people rioting are being duped and used by others, who take advantage of their religious zeal and ignorance.
The ignorance of some QLers never ceases to amaze me:
1. Hitler wasn't a Christian. He was a self-proclaimed atheist who persecuted many Christians (and Jews and some Muslims, gypsies, etc.)--locking up priests and such in concentration camps.
2. The West generally does not care what the Muslim world outside its borders thinks, and it will never alter its freedom of speech laws to cater to it.
3. Jewish holocaust denying in illegal in some countries like Germany, but perfectly legal in the United States, where it is condemned by the main stream in the same language as the mainstream had condemned the recent film. But both other legal.
4. No one knows who produced the movie or why. The guy who funded it was fictitious, and the actors claimed to have been tricked. It's clear from the clip on youtube that much of it has been dubbed over by other actors.
5. There is far more offensive stuff against Islam out there. Just trying to find the film clip on youtube generated a huge list of stuff. The point is that this clip has been circulating since July, but it was only this week that it became a big deal.
6. This West vs Muslim world thing is getting tiresome. There are millions of Muslims living the so-called West who are not rioting. There are also millions of Christians, Jews, atheists, Buddhists, etc. living is the so-called Muslim world. Both are fictions created to provoke division; the reality is that we live in a pluralistic world.
7. No one made anyone else watch this.
IMO the people rioting are being duped and used by others, who take advantage of their religious zeal and ignorance.