Well let me tell you why you don't see that in most educated Muslim communities.
Because as you said it they are "educated".
And educated aka civilized man will find the beheading of someone cruel , but lets just take somebody who was PERFECTLY raised on Muslim ethics but no academical educations, I will assure you,he will be more extreme than anyone.
I know many Masjid Imams who follow Islam by the word, it is still the same.
If they find some one who had sexual love, they would stone him to death, if they found somebody stealing they will cut his hand.
and they will do it with a big smile, and no matter what you believe they will be close minded and not care about external beliefs.
Last week I was debating with a Masjid Imam here in Qatar
I was pointing out that Islam is a Deen not Dyianah (a way of life not religion).
But he was like ; " I know what you mean, but ANYTHING that is outside the Quran or Hadiths are completely forbidden".
I don't know about most of you people but a huge number of people are now are considered "devoted" and "good" believers and sheikhs.
Islam might look normal to the Muslims, but tell all that to a Non-Muslim you will freak him out.
So cheers, I am not here trolling or anything.

P.S: I was raised as a good Muslim, I started praying at 6 and started fastening all the month of Ramadan since 6 too, I was always the one who children turned to when they needed help in Islamic understanding when I was as a child.
But I wasn't raised extreme,that's why it seemed to me the beheading or stoning of somebody , something unbearable.