When did I say anything about "Americans" I said ppl didn't I? and when did I call ANYONE crazy? ur misquoting me then jumping on my back about it dude!!! let me repost just in case u missed it the first time

/-a-t-/ britexpat

What's scary for me is that I personally know ppl who voted for Romney simply cuz they believe if they voted for Obama they would go to Hell!!!!

and Yes (((IT))) IS scary isn't it??....It is not a person!!! IT is scary EVERYWHERE, US, Africa or anywhere else on earth it's scary and it will be scary....that's why i said IT and that's why I said PPL NOT AMERICANS.

In this case it's scary that ppl WERE in fact influenced that way....Now that statement was never made in the middle east or in any Arab country election....but when it does happen I'll be the first to speak against it....It hasn't happened yet and I truly doubt that statement will be made here.