i would reccomend atleast a 120GB SSD or higher because i got the 120GB thinking it would be enough for just the OS but after installing games and softwares its running out fast so i dont think 64GB would be sufficient also change your CPU cooler to H70 or H100 personally i havent used H100 but heard good reviews and the H70 i am using from a long time :) and it had never given me any problem neither the temps go more then 55-60
and get the i7 i suggest if you can afford it because you dont want to regret tomorrow by buying the core i5 they dont have any bigger difference in gaming as darol said i am using a core 2 extreme with 8 GB vengeance and GTX 680 and i use ultra setttings without any problems :) also don't get the vengeance if you want looks and good cooling go for the dominator i bought the vengeance thinking they would be awsome but the fins feel like they are plastic and they have no weight at all you are spending around 60-80$ on the ram so it would be nice if you get something heavy :P and feels good.. :) and casses you can go for the HAfx i personally use that and its really nice pretty big have i think 6 slots for HDD's go to tornado they have it for i think 950 QR's cooler master Hafx 942 :)
i would reccomend atleast a 120GB SSD or higher because i got the 120GB thinking it would be enough for just the OS but after installing games and softwares its running out fast so i dont think 64GB would be sufficient also change your CPU cooler to H70 or H100 personally i havent used H100 but heard good reviews and the H70 i am using from a long time :) and it had never given me any problem neither the temps go more then 55-60
and get the i7 i suggest if you can afford it because you dont want to regret tomorrow by buying the core i5 they dont have any bigger difference in gaming as darol said i am using a core 2 extreme with 8 GB vengeance and GTX 680 and i use ultra setttings without any problems :) also don't get the vengeance if you want looks and good cooling go for the dominator i bought the vengeance thinking they would be awsome but the fins feel like they are plastic and they have no weight at all you are spending around 60-80$ on the ram so it would be nice if you get something heavy :P and feels good.. :) and casses you can go for the HAfx i personally use that and its really nice pretty big have i think 6 slots for HDD's go to tornado they have it for i think 950 QR's cooler master Hafx 942 :)