Awwww.. Alright, I'm done laughing..

So here are few tips, see if these work

- Always come to office with a smile, or greet her with a smile when she comes.
- Try giving suggestions rather than asking "What should I do?" Like in this case you could have asked her something like "Shall i tell Mr. X that you're busy and take his business card?" Or "Shall I tell him you're busy" .. anything that sounds like you are on HER SIDE and not the Visitor's side.
- Order her a coffee when you know its coffee time.. without her asking you for coffee.
- Don't act like a Robot who just "Obeys", be productive and make her realize that you can actually THINK.. But don't over do it, that can get even worse.
- Try to understand things she likes or dislikes then work accordingly.
- Get her gifts on occasions like, Christmas, Eids, Birthdays etc.