Thanks all again. Now with TaSinMim on board, we have our 10 people including me. Praise be to God, the Most Compassionate who Cast compassion in the hardest hearted man. As I said I will meet you ( those 9 volunteers) in Feb, God's willing.

And Adey,thank you for the warning. I was not aware.

Happy go Lucky, how stupid of me...I took the wrong rate. I picked it from a long list on Excel. Silly me. Like you said that money left is still a considerable amount.

And to QDCLover: I understand your point. I have this to say. Would you not be happy if, as a poor child, for at least 1 month, you feel happiness, you taste it. I would. 10 people cannot do much. But that little amount the 10 of us can do with the aim to bring a smile on a poor face, with a view to please God, above all,would not that be worth it? I am not saying I will see the child through his/her life. I cannot do it for lots of children. I am only aiming at giving some happiness to these children even if it is temporary. All I want to achieve is to bring a smile on these poor faces and give some decent clothing which I will ask from all of you QLers. May be you will be the biggest donor of those surplus clothes you have.

Anyway, I ask of you all to pray that we succeed in this intention of ours.