It's obvious that taking justice into your own hands will not solve anything, in fact it creates even more than what a person needs,especially in this maids situation. She had choices and didn't use the right one, now she will suffer more than if she had ran away. NO, none of us are in her shoes, including you and this is not a debate, it's opinions, because none of us know the true facts of what and why. Debates are destructive as they present one-sided opinions. If people took the law into their own hands then anarchy would rule, I for one would not want that. The middle East is notorious for covering up things that makes the country look bad. Her contract would have ended eventually,she could then get out, or she could have fled as so many maids do, if they are abused. I'm just saying that she took it upon herself to get revenge and because of this, it could very well be that she will experience more abuse where she is now while waiting her sentence to be handed down to her for this crime. Two wrongs will never make a right.