Despite following "proper procedures", these effin' immigration officials at the airport continue their corrupt practices. I was almost a victim and frankly I wished I would have arranged for a business visa coming here as well so I could have had better career choices. I agree with Nomad, unless you are a criminal or have any hold departure against you, no one should curtail your constitutional right to travel as long as you satisfy the requirements of having a valid visa and a passport. Let it be the decision of the immigration of the country of destination to let you in or not.
Despite following "proper procedures", these effin' immigration officials at the airport continue their corrupt practices. I was almost a victim and frankly I wished I would have arranged for a business visa coming here as well so I could have had better career choices. I agree with Nomad, unless you are a criminal or have any hold departure against you, no one should curtail your constitutional right to travel as long as you satisfy the requirements of having a valid visa and a passport. Let it be the decision of the immigration of the country of destination to let you in or not.