Hmmm...... well today's challenge for parents is that they have to stay up-to-date with all the technology changes that the world is going through.
Many parents would think, that they know how to keep an eye, but honestly, i doubt it :) Cuz i remember i could always trick them most of the times, myself.
There are ways you know, a simple password protection is not the answer to what goes on in your absence.
Ok, see it this way, didn't our parents keep an eye on us? I am sure they did.... So how many of us haven't seen porn in life? I am sure everyone has.. and who admits that he or she hasn't, is either lying or did not get the opportunity in the childhood. :)
Its a big challenge, today's parenting. Best of luck!
Hmmm...... well today's challenge for parents is that they have to stay up-to-date with all the technology changes that the world is going through.
Many parents would think, that they know how to keep an eye, but honestly, i doubt it :) Cuz i remember i could always trick them most of the times, myself.
There are ways you know, a simple password protection is not the answer to what goes on in your absence.
Ok, see it this way, didn't our parents keep an eye on us? I am sure they did.... So how many of us haven't seen porn in life? I am sure everyone has.. and who admits that he or she hasn't, is either lying or did not get the opportunity in the childhood. :)
Its a big challenge, today's parenting. Best of luck!