It is timing issue. Get it checked. Timing sensor might not be working. Do you have engine check light on?

Secondly, get the air intake serviced. Change air intake filters and use some STP product to clean the throttle body. Ok do this check. Once the engine is up and running, if its automatic transmission put the car in drive and keep the foot on break pedal. Does the RPM drop lower than 0.8 x1000 rpm and you feel vibrations in the car? Now turn the A/C on and turn the steering to extreme right or left. With the car still in Drive and foot on break. Do the vibrations in car increase and the rpm fall even lower?

If the answer is yes, then you need to clean the throttle body and air intake and change the air filter too.

If the above does not help then its faulty timing due to crank sensor. As you have already changed the spark plugs and wires. So it is not the electronics which is faulty.