Whether you have enough to live decently is a hard question to answer. life style is an individual choice. you could live in a villa costing 16k or you could downgrade to a decent apartment costing 12k. Similarly all costs varies depends on your choice on which you find it more in par with ur home living condition at minimum level. definetly you will able to save if you are willing to adjust to the new place after assessing what is best around you

I second to what Bobb said above- its very true that many people(not all) splurge on big cars and loans end up in mess once they loss there job out of blue moon. yes , it might not happen but you can implement a slow and steady approach . qatar is still very much a young country in gcc. we cant predict what will happen tomorrow. what the ruler says is the law of the day:). it will be unreasonable to any qataris that we expect them to follow international hr practices in jobs cos they hardly care unless its a state owned jointventure companies like ras gas, qp . you could see a qatari who have little experience is your boss just come to sign papers. then the next u will see him will be next year. all he want to know is whether u finish the project. :) all these are pleasant surprises or may be a cultural shock