I concure, Alexia Smoot's reply. You can't just be chanel flipping and assume you got the whole story figured out. If you watch it in chronological order, you will see they clearly have re-enactments labeled and actual witnesses, such as the scientist, researchers, forensic's experts, and people from the Navy.
Some of the videos do look fake. The one with the boys at the beach, but you have to wonder, why would hte Navy be so interested in silencing them and surveillance them, to the point of getting the boy's mother to have them change their original statements, and never speak about it again.
I concure, Alexia Smoot's reply. You can't just be chanel flipping and assume you got the whole story figured out. If you watch it in chronological order, you will see they clearly have re-enactments labeled and actual witnesses, such as the scientist, researchers, forensic's experts, and people from the Navy.
Some of the videos do look fake. The one with the boys at the beach, but you have to wonder, why would hte Navy be so interested in silencing them and surveillance them, to the point of getting the boy's mother to have them change their original statements, and never speak about it again.