To AmAm
MM is perfectly aware of my views pertaining to his opinions, and `I have told him directly whilst communicating via QL. You, on the other hand, are an unknown quantity; I notice that you invoke my name without reference to the topic of the current post, on which I have not commented on.
It would seem that you have gone out of your way to discuss me without any relevance to the subject at hand; whenever I make a post it is always linked to the OP or the resultant opinions generated.
I take great pains to not engage in obscene or base language when describing fellow QLers.
I have often given MM some leeway because of his limited ability to properly express his thoughts using written English but over the last couple of months I have been appalled and disappointed in the mindset he often displays. I have come to the conclusion that his comments reflect his mindset.... a mindset that I utterly oppose and feel must be countered at every opportunity. You, appearing to be a new member here, will not have had a chance to peruse the history of my postings, or that of MM, to base an opinion on our communications or posting styles.
I have been forthright in opposing MM's views but, again, have never resorted to being personally rude to him or used vulgar language.
I used the dictionary definition of 'misogynist' ie 'a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women'
MM has displayed on many occasions aspects of the last 3 descriptions. I see nothing wrong in using the correct terminology when it's called for.

