As per Qatar Labor Law, 1st 6 months(maximum) are considered to be probation period (until and unless explicitly agreed of shorter period) in which either employee or employer can terminate the contract by giving 3 days prior written notice. Considering the comments you have given, you have the right to terminate the contract by giving them 3 days prior notice. Hand them over your resignation letter and try to get a receiving stamp on a copy. If they dont want to give you a copy with received stamp, then email scanned copy of the resignation to your boss/the concerned staff. If you dont have email access, then fax the resignation to them on their fax. Wait three days to see their move. If they dont give you any feedback, visit Labor Ministry at C Ring road or Industrial Area, register a complain there. Labor Ministry will surely help you to get your rights but do follow up your case in Labor Ministry . Even if you dont have contract, it does not matter as Qatar Labor law will be followed, not the ill wishes or cheap mentality of the boss/gm..

Wish this will help you..